Monday, April 11, 2016

Knowing you was a blessing.

Dear Well-wisher,
I have no words to address you with.  Just calling you a "Well-wisher," is simply not enough.  You are much more than that.  I wish there was a befitting word to express my respect and salute you.  Anyway, I have so much to pay my tribute to you that I will just say it all, as soon as possible, in as many ways I can, to as many people I am able to.
You walked into my life, in the darkest era of my life, so much so, you had to search your way.  You entered with a faint beam of light, you kindled hope, you saw my weaknesses as my strength, you never gave up on me even when I almost did.  You stayed by my side, you matched your stride with mine, each time I stumbled you stretched your arm.  
The journey was long and difficult.  When at times it seemed endless, you always cheered me and said, "We are almost there!"  My journey became your journey, my hardship was your concern, while you kept telling me I am not the only one suffering, you also told me that how confident you were that I will make it to the finish line.  
Even though you were not able to solve my problems, but you never left me alone with my problems.  Even though you could not stop me from crying, you were there to wipe my tears.  You gave me strength, you gave me courage, you gave me hope and you also gave up so many things for me.  You gave up your celebration to be with my sadness, you gave up your own comfort to suffer with me.  
I can go on and on to express my feelings of how you have been a perfect source of relief to me, but I will just end here with one more sentence.  Yes, I know an angel!

So indebted to you,
Prayers and good wishes forever,

Someone who saw light because of you.

My letter of appreciation to all those who stood by me.


  1. It's a heart touching letter,we are always there for each other and also inspiration for each other.May Allah bless you abundantly.

    1. This is a wonderful, profound message that has truly impacted me emotionally. Thank you for everything that you do for your readers.
