Monday, April 11, 2016

To tell or not to tell!

A real dilemma indeed!  Now you are in a situation, a serious one, a critical one, a helpless one!  So what should one do now?  Should we tell others or maintain silence?  

Step No.1

If you just happen to keep it to yourself, then you are blasted with a series of attacks for keeping quiet.  Tall claims of friends and folks that if only they knew, they would have fixed the problem and "helped."

Step No. 2
The minute you tell them honestly about your situation, they walk away silently.  They abandon you.  They leave you in darkness to face your problems alone.  They sa
y it is too late now.  There is nothing they can do.

What to do? It is a puzzle.  Should we tell them or not.

 Solution : Do not say.  Those who want to help will find out anyway and do what needs to be done.  Those who do not want to help, will not even if they are the first one you approach for help.

Above all : Learn to solve your own problem!

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