Monday, April 11, 2016

New method of showing sympathy

You are undergoing difficulties and people come to know that you are suffering.  Here is what be ready to face: 

Complaints and more complaints.  They want to know why you did not tell them? Why you concealed from them?  Why they had to hear it from other people and not from you?  You are blamed for suffering and not announcing it.  You are held responsible for not bragging about it. :-( 

Now be ready to hear their problems and tragedies that they had faced at some point of their life.  They faced more problems than you.  Their problems were more serious.  How much they suffered.  How they were treated.  How they almost died.  And a lot more...........................!

Eventually they have now come with a conclusion.  You should suffer as much as they suffered.  There are a lot of other people suffering too.  To add salt to wound, they will now give you some advises of how to suffer silently.  How difficult life is.  Nothing is easy nowadays.  

Be prepared to hear what they finally have to say : 
There is nothing they can do about it.
Nothing can be done about it.
Just continue to live with your problems.
They are so sorry about it. 
It all happens!

Outcome : Problems remain unsolved while you were pushed further into more misery and humiliation


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