Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Life can be more meaningful if..........................

Let us see how can we add flavor to life, spice it up, season it ................so as to make it more meaningful?  HOW???

Sometimes we need to take away instead of adding.  This time we will have to add by subtracting.  Yes, it is a complicated Math.  

How can we add something by actually taking away?  Hmmm... something to think about! Oh! I know!  Gosh.  This is just so tricky, easy and interesting.

Play along.........>>>>><<<<<<

So where were we?  
We want to add meaning to life, values to life, some weight to life.  Right?

What can we take away?
Unnecessary words, unnecessary conversations, unnecessary activities, unnecessary emotions, unnecessary worries, unnecessary expenditure, unnecessary eating, unnecessary sleeping.....and also sometimes maybe unnecessary people.  (oops, sorry about the last one) "all un-necessities."

Trim up, shape up, cut up, level up the tree of life and remove all unnecessary items. 

There you go!  We just happen to add something to life by actually 'taking away.'   We added more meaning to life.

Do not just stop here.  We need to keep doing it, maintaining it.  It is not just one time exercise.  Just like you need to keep trimming, cleaning, weeding, mowing your backyard, maintain your life-yard in the same manner.

Life can be more meaningful....if we keep doing this. Got it!