Saturday, April 30, 2016

We stoop to our own level

We all deserve respect and love.  In fact, we all want respect and love.  Moreover, we all need respect and love.  In other words, we are all entitled to it.  

But ironically most of us does not get it.  Or may be fail to value it.  Whatever!  They deny their own self these tokens of love and respect and over rule it.  By their attitude and behavior they display that they have little to no value for such delicate emotions and crush it down.

That is when they compel others to assess their level.  'They stoop to their own level' and make others realize that the love and respect being given to them were 'unnecessary.' 

What is basically being said here is, love and respect comes to all of us in various forms and from various directions.  But we choose to refuse it and may be we opt for 'something else' through our attitude, behavior, or ignorance.

We all choose our own level.  Some rise to it while others stoop to it.  In the end, we get what we deserve. 


  1. Very true indeed,love and respect come to us but we fail to acknowledge it.

  2. Very true indeed,love and respect come to us but we fail to acknowledge it.
