Friday, April 29, 2016

Today's technology of Friendship

How to be a good friend?

Very simple and easy.  Today, technology has made everything so plain and quick.  So much so, it has affected feelings, emotions, sentiments and everything else that came from heart before.  NOW, it all comes from the mind.......!

You are already a good friend if you can be imaginative, good at pretending, know photoshop, copy and paste, an expert at social media (must like every post and give favorable comments ONLY) and above all a good listener and a VERY agreeable person.  

Besides, everyone wants friends who likes FUN.  Who does not like fun?  But this is another kind of fun.  Here you get to watch people having fun.  All they want is, "Watch me while I have fun."  You get to applaud, cheer and show great excitement, even if you are bored to death. Woah!!  

You think you have all these qualities?  Oh yes, two most important things.  How could I forget this?  You got to be ready whenever you are needed and be in a matching mood-a mood that matches with him/her.

Okay, I think you are getting it.  Yes, everything is one-sided.  This is just to avoid any kind of disagreement whatsoever.  Nobody wants a friend who speaks nothing, but truth.  That is rude.  You will be isolated and known as anti-social.  

So, friendship nowadays is about being nice, agreeable, submissive, just play along.  Yes that is the start of a good and strong friendship and can last forever if you be careful and smart enough to understand that you have no say in any matter.  

A good friend is a silent observer.  Says who?  Everyone, who is looking for a loyal friend.


  1. Very good description of a loyal friend.Wow !!! Very interesting,I enjoyed reading this blog.

  2. Very good description of a loyal friend.Wow !!! Very interesting,I enjoyed reading this blog.
