Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Ms. Understanding makes us miss it all!

Yes!  We are talking about :
 m-i-s-u-n-d-e-r-s-t-a-n-d-i-n-g...................a big, long, meaningless, useless, senseless word.  Often wonder why was it ever created.  This twisted word twists people apart by sneaking between them for little or no reason at all.  Whosoever invented this word is an enemy of love, understanding and friendship.

Here is how it starts!  It creeps in noiselessly.  As soon as it squeezes in, it starts growing, expanding and begins to push people apart.  It weakens the foundation of relationship, tears down walls of friendship and over-reaches itself and becomes a prefix of understanding and turns it into misunderstanding, changing its meaning and value upside down.
How to chase it away and get back to understanding?  That is a good question!  
Crush it, kill it, overpower it, overcome it by...........overlooking.  Yes, look the other way and see the brighter aspects.  You will find that misunderstanding did not/could not do a good job like it wanted to.  It did cause damage but look now....the damage has gone by the mere use of maturity and the act of forgiveness.
Misunderstanding is no match to compromise.  While misunderstanding destroys, compromise restores.  There you go.......everything is back to normal with renewed effort.
Let us just say, "It all happens!" None of us are perfect but if our bond is perfect, we can survive all misgivings, misunderstandings, mismanagement etc.  Let us compromise to move on and not be held back by flimsy reasons for people who matters to us and are hard to leave.

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