Thursday, April 21, 2016

Success soaks our wisdom and drowns us

Being successful in life is such a good feeling.  Makes us feel so great, so special and sometimes so grateful.  Yes, we sure feel great, certainly feel special but why only 'sometimes' thankful?

Hmm..! Something to think about! 
Because when we achieve success we start feeling so great and special that pride starts creeping into our brain and soaks up our wisdom, so much so, that it drowns us. We stop thinking and start bragging, boasting and get steamed up with self-glorification.  We see ourselves above the rest.  We consider ourselves very superior.  We feel so successful that we even start looking down upon the success of others.  It is just our own success that is known as success to us.

Now, ignorantly, we have reached a point of our own destruction.  We are often the cause of our own downfall and will not rest till we have wrecked our life. Success reaches every fine nerve of our brain, soaks it, expands it, makes us think big about ourselves and finally shatters it.  

Success that was suppose to make us rise, has brought us down because we were not grateful and took all credit for it and thought that we were the only successful people in the world.  

This is where success leads us to, if we are not conscious of staying within our limits and being humble and grateful.  

Success does not come alone!  Along with it comes the storm of pride.  As soon as success enters your life, shut the door before pride storms in.