Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Love it or Leave it

Those who LOVE you will always be with you.  This is enough evidence of love.  Saying and proving it are two different things.  We say something but we behave otherwise, that is, we do not mean it.  

Friends and well-wishers will hold on to a flimsy reason to be with us, but others will find a silly reason to leave us.

When someone really means something to us, we hold on to that person, even if we have a small reason or no reason.  Our one and only reason is our love for that person.

If something makes us move away from that person that means there is no love anymore. Where there is no love, even a very meaningless excuse is a good reason to walk away. 

Let us be sincere with ourselves and with others. Love it or Leave it.  Doing anything half-hearted is a torture to self and a deception.  

Anything done with ulterior motive does not last.  Love is unconditional, pure, sincere and whole.  Where there is no love, it is better to LEAVE.