Thursday, April 28, 2016

Sorrow comes from people - so does joy!!

We have all had our share of bitter experiences from a species called "Human."  Agree?  We have met with shades of disappointments, degrees of shocks, varieties of heart-break, heights of oppression etc. "They" can go to any limit to get the better of you, to take out their frustration on you, resentment and whatsoever.  In hardship, they can be a real test, much more than hunger and thirst.

Well, this said, have we ever looked at their other side, the better or maybe the good side?  While they bring all varieties of sorrow, the same people also bring joy to someone, somewhere!! 

While some people may cause distress, others are a comfort, joy, inspiration, savior, moral support and so much more.  

Some people may be a curse, but some are blessings too.  Some lead us astray, some bring us back to track.  

Rather than blaming people, blame your choice for the people.  Be with the ones who bring you joy, not the ones who make you cry.  In fact, "BE THE ONE WHO BRINGS JOY."

1 comment:

  1. Yeah,rightly said 'be with the people who give you joy' but avoid people who are giving you sorrow.
