Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Everything is on SALE!

Those old thoughts when we said that money cannot buy anything. Ironically, shockingly, today MONEY can buy anything or let us say everything.

Everything is on SALE today.  Family, relationship, friendship, trust, job, education, health care, and just name it! You have money, you have everything including worries.  

While everything has lost its value, such as respect, kindness, sentiments, beliefs etc.  value and love for money is on the rise.  Money is power, money is strength, money is your ticket to the hearts of millions who worship money.  

Today, all that some of us have is MONEY.  We can buy people like grocery.  We can sell them too for very little value.  On the other hand, humanity has become obsolete because money has killed its value along with other things that money could not buy.  What money cannot buy, has lost its value and is now lying forgotten and invisible.  

Unfortunately we live in such a time where our identity is only because of money.  We do not matter anymore but our money does.  Our level of respect is set by our purchasing power.  

Some of us do not have a soul, because money has bought that too.  ALAS!