Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Should we trust people? Should we?

Yes! Yes we can and we should trust people!  I see the surprise on your face.  I agree with you about the few disappointments we may have met with.  Okay, not few maybe a lot of time.  But, so what!  That does not mean for the sake of a few people we should just STOP trusting.  Pretty soon we will stop trusting ourselves too!

When it comes to trusting people, what we forget is that we are people too.  Should everyone stop trusting us?  Will we like it?  NO!  We want to be trusted, right?  

Here is my tip for trusting the right people.  I just confused you.  You must be wondering, who are the 'right people?' How do we know that?  Yes, that is a good question and a difficult task.  Finding right people takes a pinch of wisdom and a handful of experience.  

Well, here is my little secret.  
"Those who trust themselves will trust others."  
Do you trust your own judgement and at the same time ready for a few disappointments?  Good!


  1. Trust...we should not trust any Tom,Dick and Harry,but whom we know and understand very well.

  2. Trust...we should not trust any Tom,Dick and Harry,but whom we know and understand very well.
