Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Whirlwind of Blame and Credit

Today I am all set in writing about an issue that has always baffled me. It is interesting and has always been a puzzle to me that I have never been able to put together. 

Lets get started to work on a puzzle piece.  Okay, here we go!  You know how always there is conflict, misunderstandings, disagreements between people, right?  So, what happens is this.....when such a situation occurs we are super quick and super smart enough to stamp the blame on 'others.' It is 'they' who cause it!  

Yes! That can be possible.  Some of us are trouble makers.  Wait!  Here is the interesting bit.  But....when they are getting along, surprisingly it is all their credit.  They do not 'then' find 'other's' involvement.  

In other words, let us just put it this way. Good things happen to us BECAUSE of US and bad things happen to us BECAUSE of OTHERS?  Is that so?  At the same time we feel, Good things happen to others because of US and bad things are due to their own fault.  How contradictory and complicated!!  Right?

Isn't this silly, funny or so immature and ignorant?  While we are so ready and desperate for credit, let us show the same emotion for blame.  When we do not want to be blamed, why blame others?  We want credit, nothing less.  Why not give others their share of credit too? Phew! This is just so insane.

In the whirlwind of blame and credit we are neither doing any justice with ourselves or with others but remain caught up in this cyclone and keep deceiving ourselves and losing our self-respect.  

Come out-of-it! OUT of the disguise and take responsibilities of your actions and learn to face the consequences of your OWN actions.


  1. Very interesting and calculated lesson.I fully agree with you.

    1. Thanks for all your comments. It really inspires me to catch up with my passion for writing.
