Monday, April 18, 2016

Assessing Freindship

Friendship is an important bond.  It is so special that often when a friend walks out of our life it turns our world upside down.  We feel disappointed, let down, depressed etc.  There are just so many words to describe our miserable state when someone important abandons us.

But.....let us analyze it this way.  Over the years we make a whole bunch of friends.  It becomes hard to hold on to all of them or please them all.  They either leave us because they have found better friends, or we could not live up to their expectation or they simply did not want us.

Friends who leave us makes us sad and that is normal. But just think about it, they who leave us, is it worth feeling sorry about them or not.  If we want to be like them and do realize their worth then we should 'seriously' think that something must be wrong with us and how we can rectify and gain back their friendship.

But, on the other hand, if we feel that we do not approve of their behavior and yet tried our best to be with them and it just did not work.  Then there is no need to stress.  It was just not meant to be.  Period. 

An old proverb often comes to my mind :
"If you have something of your own, set it free.
If it comes back to you, it is yours.
If it doesn't, it was never meant to be."

So, if friendship does not work, just part peacefully.  "Agree to Disagree."


  1. Good .love to read each story of your's

  2. Good .love to read each story of your's

  3. Perfectly described.....if after much rectifying and pampering it didn't work out then it's not meant to sad.

  4. Perfectly described.....if after much rectifying and pampering it didn't work out then it's not meant to sad.
