Sunday, April 3, 2016

If only I knew! Phew!

Why didn't you tell me?  How come I don't know?  You have been going through all this and you did not tell me?  ......are some of the common, mediocre and stereotype statements used by people to show their "sympathy", followed by empty promises and a lot more.  But, everything stops right there, once the information is gathered.  That is the level of curiosity.
So, what is the next level?  Does the help come?  Did they ever have any intention, whatsoever, to aid, assist, rescue etc.  "NO!"  All they wanted was something up their sleeve so that they can be sneaky and share with others.
Sharing information with such people is like inviting them to destroy you.  They now have the freedom to tarnish your image 'at your own cost.'  Look how they started and you will be shocked to see how it will all end.  
Best remedy is to be quiet and patient and deal with your problems by yourself rather than making yourself further miserable.  
If only I knew now is more apparent.  If only they knew, they would have so much to talk about, so much blackmail you and so much to keep busy with!  Alas!  
Do not play with people's emotions.  They are already dealing with a lot.  Do not add to it if you cannot subtract from it.

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