Saturday, April 2, 2016

Two sets of rules for the same task?

We all somehow believe in two sets of rules.  Seems confusing, right?  Well this is what happens.  The rules that we want to apply on others are not acceptable to us and the rules that we follow are not meant for others.  Further elaborating this.......sometimes we feel that there are certain things that we can do it but others cannot.  We can say anything we feel like, behave anyway we feel like, we do not need to follow any time schedule, we are too superior to do certain kind of work but does those rules apply to others?  Certainly not!  

In other words, we exercise more freedom than we are ready to give others.  We have no sense of justice.  We consider ourselves superior in many ways and hence think we are above all laws.  

All this comes down to.....we preach something and practice something else.  We do not want to follow the same set of rules that we make for others.

How unfair!  But does not appear unfair to us, unless others do it to us!

Rules are meant to discipline us, not to lead us further astray.  
So......Rule #1:  Follow the same rule. Practice uniformity.


  1. Very well said,this is the true double standard personality of people. Keep coming up with such stories.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
