Friday, April 22, 2016

Today is GOLDEN that fades into the past

The other day during the course of my conversation with a wise gentleman, we were talking about being happy and contented.  I happen to mention that life is no more what it used to be, and how I cherish those good old days. He enlightened me on this issue by quoting Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, who said that every today is golden but we only realize it in the future. 

We, ignorantly, do not appreciate 'today', the present time, till it becomes the past.  When it is today, we grumble about it, complain a lot, feel so miserable, curse the time, do not value it, live in the past - the past which we consider as a golden age.....but fail to realize that the 'past' we are talking about today was also a 'today' which became a past and as soon as it becomes the past, we miss it, treasure it and acknowledge it as a golden era.  

The same today that we complain about, we only start missing it and cherish it when it becomes yesterday.  So, the today goes by wasted and unappreciated and we continue to live in the shadow of the past rather than the sunshine of the present.

The message here is, if only we could revere and take delight in our present, we would be less miserable and more contented.  There would be less complaints and more thankfulness.  Moreover, sorrow would be replaced by joy.  

Let us make the most of today and not wait till it become yesterday.  "Every today is a gift, that is why it is called a Present."  Unwrap your present and behold the treasure it holds!! 

1 comment:

  1. So true...we should appreciate today and be happy and contented.
