Thursday, April 14, 2016

Is this called Charity?

Waste not,Want not! is an old saying heard in childhood and most of us try to abide by it.  We try but are not really able to practically do it.  This is my personal observation.  

Anyway, it is seen on social media that in some countries, some kind-hearted people have organized street refrigerators so that people can donate their left-over food for the homeless.  Wow! what an amazing idea. Instead of throwing it in the trash can, it will be 'generously' donated to the refrigerator for the under-privileged, down-trodden, the poor, the hungry, the starving.  How very charitable! Thoroughly impressed but SHOCKED as well.

Now my question is, will the donaters themselves would like to eat from such a fridge 'happily' in case of emergency? "NO!" Right? How heartless and tragic.  We are showing generosity on our left-overs which would have gone anyway to the trash can?

 Yes I agree that it will at least not be wasted.  But is this all that they deserve.  What we cannot eat ourselves, how can we offer it to others?  Why overcook in the first place?  Just like the way we can put it in the street fridge, how come we cannot put it in our own fridge for later?  Or why can't we cook extra with the intention of donating ?  They also like fresh and unused food.  They also have appetite and feelings like you.  Some of them have never tasted the food that we may be eating on daily basis.  Why not give them a chance to know what good food taste like?  Why not we buy grocery and donate? Why not give others the same privilege that we ourselves enjoy?  Who knows when we may get caught up with misfortune!

Charity is kindness.  Do unto others what you will want for yourself.  Something that you discard, do not want, will throw away anyway is not any act of kindness.  Kindness is treating others like yourself.  Giving others the same chance.  Kindness involves a small sacrifice.  

Share happiness. Looking down upon others and treating them differently is not charity but injustice and pride.