Saturday, April 16, 2016

Likes & Dislikes

Likes and Dislikes are very sensitive issues. It breaks hearts, it makes us happy, it makes us sad, it flatters us, it disappoints us and there are so many mixed feelings about it.

But what actually matters is 'who.'  Being disliked by a bad person is after all not  a very bad thing.  Why would we want to be liked by such a person!  But being dislike by a good person may hurt us and make us wonder what may be wrong with us. 

On the other hand being liked by the wrong person may scare us and being liked by a good person may boost our confidence.  

So, after all, it is not all that bad to be disliked or all that good to be liked.  Only thing is that it should be by the appropriate person.  

Likes and Dislikes are the order of the day and also, it may just be a temporary feeling.  Hence, nothing much to worry about or to be concerned.  

You may like or dislike this blogpost and that is okay with me.......because I will keep writing anyway!


  1. Always enjoy reading your blog. Keep writing.

  2. Really,whether I'm liked or disliked doesn't matter to me,as long as I'm on the right path.
